
Complete EclipseCon 2013 M2M tutorial and take home some Open Hardware!Complete EclipseCon 2013 M2M tutorial and take home some Open Hardware!

EclipseCon is in about a month, and we are so excited about what’s cooking for M2M this year!
Today, we contributed Mihini source code, after an initial review that took longer than what we initally planned, and EclipseCon in Boston will be the first opportunity for you to get a real deep dive into the Eclipse Koneki and Mihini projects.

Over the last few months, we have been working on putting together a nice setup showcasing the software components we are developing for doing M2M at Eclipse, and if you join our tutorial, you will have a chance to recreate something very similar by yourself (minus the actual greenhouse…)!

What is even cooler, is that you’ll get to leave the session with the very same hardware you’ll have hacked with during three hours! That is:

  • a fully functional Raspberry Pi, with its SD card and a Wi-Fi dongle,
  • an Arduino Uno, with different kind of sensors (light sensor, push buttons, potentiometers) and actuators (LEDs, ), …

Raspberry PiArduino kit

Why is it cool?

Well, first, you willl leave the tutorial with a fully functional code allowing you to interact with physical sensors, making their values available on the Internet for you to just use it.
Then, all this hardware you’ll get, is highly repurposable. The Raspberry Pi, for example, is a pretty powerful Linux board that can act as a media-center, a VoIP server, a web server, etc. The Arduino is a prototyping platform that can be extended in many ways, and the kit you’ll have can be the initial seed for your next DIY project!

What do I have to do?

If you are already registered for EclipseCon, you will soon receive an e-mail for changing your reservation and paying the extra amount of money for getting the hardware. If you are not, then make sure to indicate whether or not you want to pay for the hardware when you register to the conference and tutorial. Please make sure to place your order before March 13!
Note that buying a kit is absolutely not a prerequisite, and we will lend you one for the duration of the tutorial if you didn’t want or didn’t have time to order one for yourself.

Finally, if you are already in Boston on Sunday, 24th, we will welcome you at the Code Sprint session if you feel like you want to hack with us and have a sneak peek at the tutorial!

Photo Credit: Digital Sextant via Compfight cc

EclipseCon is in about a month, and we are so excited about what’s cooking for M2M this year!
Today, we contributed Mihini source code, after an initial review that took longer than what we initally planned, and EclipseCon in Boston will be the first opportunity for you to get a real deep dive into the Eclipse Koneki and Mihini projects.

Over the last few months, we have been working on putting together a nice setup showcasing the software components we are developing for doing M2M at Eclipse, and if you join our tutorial, you will have a chance to recreate something very similar by yourself (minus the actual greenhouse…)!

What is even cooler, is that you’ll get to leave the session with the very same hardware you’ll have hacked with during three hours! That is:

  • a fully functional Raspberry Pi, with its SD card and a Wi-Fi dongle,
  • an Arduino Uno, with different kind of sensors (light sensor, push buttons, potentiometers) and actuators (LEDs, ), …

Raspberry PiArduino kit

Why is it cool?

Well, first, you willl leave the tutorial with a fully functional code allowing you to interact with physical sensors, making their values available on the Internet for you to just use it.
Then, all this hardware you’ll get, is highly repurposable. The Raspberry Pi, for example, is a pretty powerful Linux board that can act as a media-center, a VoIP server, a web server, etc. The Arduino is a prototyping platform that can be extended in many ways, and the kit you’ll have can be the initial seed for your next DIY project!

What do I have to do?

If you are already registered for EclipseCon, you will soon receive an e-mail for changing your reservation and paying the extra amount of money for getting the hardware. If you are not, then make sure to indicate whether or not you want to pay for the hardware when you register to the conference and tutorial. Please make sure to place your order before March 13!
Note that buying a kit is absolutely not a prerequisite, and we will lend you one for the duration of the tutorial if you didn’t want or didn’t have time to order one for yourself.

Finally, if you are already in Boston on Sunday, 24th, we will welcome you at the Code Sprint session if you feel like you want to hack with us and have a sneak peek at the tutorial!

Photo Credit: Digital Sextant via Compfight cc


M2M at EclipseCon Europe

Last year, EclipseCon Europe was the moment when the Eclipse Foundation, together with Eurotech, IBM and Sierra Wireless announced the creation of the M2M Industry Working Group.

Over the last 12 months, a great deal of stuff has happened: there are now three projects living under the umbrella of the Working Group: Koneki delivers tools for simplifying M2M development, Paho provides several client libraries and tools for the MQTT protocol, and Mihini plans on doing the first contribution for an embedded development framework in the upcoming months.
Recent news also include the creation of an M2M portal at that aims at being a window on all the M2M technologies being developed at Eclipse.

Therefore it is no surprise that there will be several interesting talks about M2M into the program of EclipseCon Europe, starting in just 2 weeks:

  • M2M is a fairly new domain, and it can be complex to understand the scenarios it addresses. Bosch Software Innovations will give an overview of these scenarios, and how OSGi can be leveraged for simplifying M2M development ;
  • The MQTT everywhere talk will not only be a deep dive into the MQTT protocol and show you how easy it is to use, but will also showcase different targets, from Java to PHP to tiny microcontrollers such as Arduino ;
  • I am a huge fan of Open Source Hardware, and I am really looking forward to Simon Maple’s talk illustrating how the Raspberry Pi and Tinker Forge components can be used for creating MQTT-based solutions ;
  • If you want to learn more about the 3 projects coordinated by the M2MIWG, and especially why Lua is a language of choice for developing M2M applications, you should definitely join Using Eclipse and Lua for the Internet of Things with projects Koneki, Mihini and Paho.

Ha, and of course I am very excited by the Flight Club (hat tip to Wayne :-)) contest, which showcase what may be one of the coolest M2M use cases: remote control of a freakin’ drone!


Eclipse Day Toulouse 2012 – May 24, 2012 – Call for papersEclipse Day Toulouse 2012 – 24 mai 2012 – Appel à conférences

After the success of Eclipse Party 2011 last year, the Eclipse Foundation, Airbus, Obeo and Sierra Wireless invite you to Eclipse Day Toulouse, on May 24, 2012.

This year, we will have a full day event, with a particular focus on two topics for which Eclipse is an ecosystem of choice: embedded world, and Machine-to-Machine (M2M).

You should start thinking submitting your talk if you have interesting thoughts to share about:

  • Embedded & Modeling for embedded. Modeling technologies have a proven track record in terms of embedded and critical software development. Coupled with other tools and frameworks (ALM, requirements management, code analysis, …), they turn out to change the way software is being developed in the industry, and how it is being supported (usually for years, in e.g. the aircraft industry).
  • M2M & Internet of Things. According to analysts, there will literally be tens of billions of connected objects by the end of 2020! This proves to be a challenge in terms of new software engineering needs, of scalibility (Cloud computing and SaaS anyone? ;)), of management of these huge fleets of “objects” on the field… There are also many new use cases and business models around M2M and IoT that can, and will, benefit from Open Source ecosystems.

If you’d like to share an industrial use case, talk about a project you are working on, or anything related to these topics, you should submit your abstract by Apr. 15, 2012.

More information on the wiki page of the event…  and I am now looking forward to your proposals!

Photo credit:ès le succès de l’Eclipse Party 2011, la Fondation Eclipse, Airbus, Obeo et Sierra Wireless vous invitent à participer à l’Eclipse Day Toulouse, le 24 mai 2012.

Cette année, l’évènement se déroulera sur une journée entière, et se focalisera plus particulièrement sur deux sujets pour lesquels Eclipse est une plateforme de premier choix : l’embarqué, et le Machine-to-Machine (M2M).
Aussi, nous vous invitons à soumettre dès aujourd’hui, vos propositions de sujets, en ciblant de préférence les thématiques suivantes:

  • Embarqué, et Modeling pour l’embarqué. Les approches MDA/MDD ont prouvé leur efficacité dans le domaine du développement de logiciel embarqué. Couplées à des outils de gestion des exigences, d’analyse de code, de simulation, … elles changent la donne dans le domaine du développement de logiciel industriel, et dans la manière dont ce logiciel est maintenu, souvent sur des périodes de plusieurs dizaines d’années.
  • M2M et Internet of Things. Les analystes s’accordent à dire que d’ici 2020, plusieurs dizaines de milliards d’objets seront connectés, plus ou moins indirectement, entre eux ! Cette perspective ouvre la porte à de nombreux défis en terme de développement, de scalabilité (qui a dit Cloud ? ;)), de gestion de flottes importantes “d’objets”… Ce sont aussi de nombreux business models jusqu’alors inaccessibles qui voient désormais le jour, et pour lesquels l’approche Open Source peut clairement rebattre les cartes.

Si vous souhaitez faire un retour d’expérience, présenter un projet sur lequel vous travaillez, ou quelque chose en relation avec ces sujets, nous attendons vos soumissions avant le 15 avril 2012.

Plus d’informations sur la page de wiki dédiée à l’évènement.

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