Eclipse IoT

Enter the Open IoT Challenge 4.0: some ideas for your submission

There are only a couple weeks left (deadline is Nov. 13) for entering the fourth edition of our Open IoT Challenge!

The Open IoT Challenge encourages IoT enthusiasts and developers to build innovative solutions for the Internet of Things using open standards and open source technology.

Open IoT Challenge 4.0

You probably remember last year’s edition and its winner, Sébastien Lambour, who built an amazing solution: InTheMoodForLife. The project aims at analyzing sleep patterns to anticipate mood disorder episodes for people suffering from bipolar disorder.

Sébastien won $3,000, and we also provided him with an additional $1,000 to fund his participation in Eclipse IoT events where he presented his project. For example, Sébastien attended the Eclipse IoT Day in London, a couple months ago, and gave a brilliant talk where he shared his experience.

As a reminder, there is already a nice incentive for you to enter the challenge, even if you feel like you can’t compete for the first place (and you shouldn’t feel like that, by the way!). In fact, if you are among the 10 best submissions, our jury will award you a $150 gift certificate that will help you buy the hardware you need to build your project!

I thought it would be useful to share some of the ideas I would like to see come to life, and some of the technologies that I think would be interesting to use.

Deep learning

With Deeplearning4j moving to Eclipse, now is the perfect time to think of having deep learning play a role in your project. Whether you plan on doing image recognition, predictive maintenance, or natural language processing, I am curious to see if Deeplearning4j, or other open source projects in the machine learning / deep learning area, can help you implement your solution. There are some IoT gateways out there that are fairly capable, and even some that include a GPU, so please be crazy and push the boundaries of edge computing! 🙂

Industrial IoT

Many – too many, probably – IoT solutions are very consumer oriented (connected toothbrush anyone?), so I certainly hope to see lots of projects that are more industry-focused. Our production performance management testbed can probably give you some pointers regarding open source projects that are applicable, and even provide you some code to get started.

Blockchain and distributed ledgers

Beyond the buzzword and the hype, blockchain is still an interesting topic, which you may want to put to use in your Open IoT Challenge project.

Security is one key aspect of IoT. Blockchain might be a way for you to secure communications or data exchanges, but it is also interesting to think about using distributed ledgers as a way to enable a sharing economy.

What if you could “share” some of your IoT devices’ processing or networking power and get compensated, in a secure way, using a blockchain? And how about true “pay-per-use” scenarios, where e.g construction companies share a pool of high-value power tools for which actual usage is tracked, logged, and billed accordingly, through a blockchain?

Of particular interest, in my opinion, is IOTA, an open source distributed ledger which, by design, has no transaction fees (it has no miners, as the 2,779,530,283,277,761 (!) tokens that form the ‘tangle’ were all generated in the so-called genesis transaction).

This means that you can leverage the IOTA tangle to implement secured micro-transactions in your IoT solution, e.g to expose (and monetize) sensor data to the world. I would be particularly curious to see how IOTA performs on constrained devices, and how well it scales.

Low-power, long-life

MangOH RedOne of our sponsors this year, Sierra Wireless, will be providing the 10 best proposals with a MangOH Red IoT board. This board is perfectly suited for low-power IoT applications and would be the ideal partner in crime if running for years out of a small battery is important to you.

It is often an afterthought in IoT to think about the maintenance of the equipment. I am interested in seeing how your proposal will highlight how you plan on making your solution easy to operate, including things like over-the-air updates, energy consumption optimization, etc.

If you are not sure if your idea would make for a cool project, feel free to ping me, I will be happy to give you some feedback 🙂

I am looking forward to reviewing your proposals, and seeing all the cool projects you will be building over the next few months!

Submit by Nov. 13 for the IoT Challenge

And last but not least, big thanks to Bitreactive, CONTACT Software, Eurotech, Intel, Red Hat, and Sierra Wireless for sponsoring the Open IoT Challenge this year.

Eclipse IoT

4 Takeaways from “All Things IoT” week at EclipseCon Europe

Last week, the Eclipse IoT community was pretty busy at EclipseCon Europe. We were having our largest Eclipse event of the year, and it featured lots of IoT.

After a much needed weekend break to recover from an incredibly fruitful week, I am taking some time to write down some of my personal takeaways.

Oh, and before you ask: we are working on uploading all the IoT sessions from the IoT Working Group meeting and IoT Day to YouTube. They will be available shortly, and as you can see in the blog post below, some of them already are! 🙂

IoT Day featured lots of real-world talks

I was really pleased with the turnout of the IoT Day. What was particularly interesting was hearing not only community insiders tell us about what they are doing for, and with, Eclipse IoT projects, but also getting the point of view of people who are pure consumers of the technology.

This year, for example, we had people like Müge Kural (Eteration) or Nicola La Gloria (Kynetics) telling us how projects like Eclipse Kura or Eclipse hawkBit have helped them implement use cases such as advanced dashboards for Electric Vehicles, or scalable software updates for Android-based IoT devices.

Look out for the video recordings of their talks, in the meantime, you can read more about Kynetics’ story in our recently published case study.

Eclipse IoT Testbeds Hackday

Open IoT Testbed Hackday at EclipseCon Europe
Open IoT Testbed Hackday at EclipseCon Europe

As you probably know by now, we are ramping up our Open IoT Testbeds initiative, and it was great to use EclipseCon Europe as an opportunity to spend some quality time with the different companies involved in the testbeds and discuss next steps. To encourage collaboration, we held a “hackday” on Wednesday.

There was a strong focus on the Industry 4.0 / Production Performance Management testbed, and it was great to see participants from different companies sitting at the same table, brainstorming about the roadmap for the next few months.

One of my action items from the hackday was to get a mailing list set up. So, if you want to get more involved in the testbeds, you can now subscribe to [email protected] to participate!

It’s all about the integration

EclipseCon Europe coincides with the anniversary of the Eclipse IoT Working Group, and 6 years into the adventure it is great to see that this year, even more than others, the project teams spent a lot of time discussing how to better integrate the different projects with one another. For example, it has become pretty clear that Eclipse hono will probably become the de-facto standard for device connectivity, and there were lots of discussions on how to provide hono protocol adapters for PPMP (Eclipse Unide), OPC-UA (Eclipse Milo), or Eclipse Kura gateways.

Also, at the IoT WG meeting, we discussed how to structure the community work better and collaborate towards a more integrated Eclipse IoT stack. It has been proposed that we establish a sub-committee of the IoT WG dedicated to integration work. Expect to see more on that topic soon!

New projects got unveiled

You may have seen the news: just a week before EclipseCon, two new Eclipse IoT project proposals have been announced.

First is Eclipse Thingweb, a project that will be hosting an open-source toolkit for the W3C Web of Things ecosystem. Matthias Kovatsch from Siemens presented the project, and you can get his slides here.

The other project, Eclipse Cyclone, will put an open source implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) middleware standard of IoT developers. Hans van’t Hag from ADLINK gave the presentation below, and his slides are here.

I am looking forward to seeing these projects move to Eclipse IoT over the next few months!

Eclipse IoT

Hack the Eclipse IoT Open Testbeds at EclipseCon Europe

By now you are probably pretty aware that EclipseCon Europe, coming in just a few weeks in Ludwigsburg, Germany, Oct 22-25, will feature All Things IoT!

But wait, there’s more! We will use the opportunity of having a lot of people from the Eclipse IoT community in the same location to spend some time hacking the Open IoT Testbeds on Wednesday, October 24.

“What can I expect from the Testbed Hackday?”

As we will be unveiling a new testbed focusing on Production Performance Management of industrial equipment, and with the Asset Tracking Management testbed well on its way, there will be many people who have been working on these testbeds attending the hack day.

They will be available all day to discuss (and experiment live!) how to extend them, and of course ready to show you how they are built.

“Why should I attend?”

  • If your company is creating IoT products that you would like to integrate with the existing testbeds,
  • If you are involved in an Eclipse or Eclipse IoT project and would like to see how your project can get involved complement the solutions already demonstrated in the existing testbeds,
  • You want to experiment with the actual hardware that the testbeds are featuring,
  • You are interested in starting a new testbed and would like to gauge the interest of the community and brainstorm some ideas face-to-face.

Please let me know if you plan on attending! I think the Open IoT Testbeds are a great opportunity for people and companies to collaborate on real use cases, and to demonstrate by example how open source, complemented by a strong commercial ecosystem, can jump-start the development of IoT solutions.

I really think the Open IoT Testbeds are a great opportunity for people and companies to collaborate on real use cases, and to demonstrate by example how open source, complemented by a strong commercial ecosystem, can jump-start the development of IoT solutions. If you share this conviction, you really don’t want to miss the hack day… and all the other days of EclipseCon Europe!

EclipseCon Europe 2017