Eclipse IoT

The Open IoT Challenge has officially started!

The Open IoT Challenge has received an incredible amount of interest so far, and it is 45 projects in total who entered the challenge! They now have about a month to work on their solution and demonstrate why they deserve to win.

We expect all the challengers to document the evolution of their projects and it will be interesting to see the variety of technologies and open-source projects being used.
You can follow what is happening thanks to the Tumblr that we created for the occasion:

open iot challenge tumblr

Finally, last week, we have selected 10 projects that have been awarded with a $150 gift card to help buy hardware parts for their solution. Here are the names of the lucky winners:

  • Davide De Cesaris
  • Ravi Butani
  • Franz Schnyder
  • Lotte Steenbrink
  • Tobiasz Dworak
  • Abhishek
  • Emir Ercan Ayar
  • Sergey Vasiliev
  • Markus Fischer
  • Arne Jenssen

Top 10 IoT Hardware Platforms in 2014

This year, a lot of IoT hardware platforms have been released, and all the semiconductor companies have finally started getting really serious about providing affordable development boards showcasing their portfolio of processors and sensors.
Here are the devices that particularly caught my attention, with some links to additional educational material.

  •  FRDM-K64F

    #1 – FRDM-K64F

    The FRDM-K64F is a development board for the Kinetis K64. Freescale had the great idea to not only make the platform compatible with the ARM mbed platform, but also to provide a board that is compatible with Arduino shields.
    Since a few months, you can also install a Java ME embedded firmware on the FRDM-K64F, turning it into what is probably the cheapest Java development board on the market.
Note: you can click on the pictures to learn more!

Eclipse IoT

Announcing the Open IoT challenge

2014 is almost over, and one of the first big events for Eclipse IoT next year will be EclipseCon 2015, March 9-12 in Burlingame, California.
If you haven’t seen the EclipseCon program already, I highly encourage you to check out all the great sessions that we have selected as part of the IoT Theme Day, and of course the rest of the program which has just been announced. This year, EclipseCon is colocated with FOSS4G North America, the largest global gathering focused on open source geospatial software.

In order to encourage everyone to start making Internet of Things a reality, we are launching a programming contest that fosters the creation of IoT projects based on top of open-source technologies, and that we hope will keep everyone busy during the few months separating us from EclipseCon. You can get familiar with the conditions to participate at

Here are a few ideas of projects or technologies that I would really like to see used by the participants:

  • Geolocation technologies like the ones available as part of the LocationTech initiative. How about, for example, using GeoMesa to store spatio-temporal data points corresponding to the air quality measured by environmental sensors?
  • A project combining low-cost/low-power IoT microcontrollers powered by an embedded OS like Contiki or RIOT, and a more powerful IoT gateway (running for example Kura) in charge of the heavy lifting of the sensor data before it’s sent to the cloud.
  • IoT is merely a buzzword (sorry, I hope you already knew! :smile:) for “connecting more devices to the internet”. Those devices’ core value is their data, and there are many opportunities for your projects to leverage time-series databases or stream processing technologies to actually make sense out of the amount of data generated by the IoT.

To enter the challenge, you simply have to apply via this online form before January 17, 2015 and tell us what you plan to build. Don’t wait!