The Open IoT challenge ended earlier this week, and it was pretty exciting to see the final submissions coming in the form of blog posts and video during the last hours before the deadline.
Below are the 10 projects who validated their participation to the challenge, together with the links to learn more about what they have built during the 2 months the challenge lasted. Exciting stuff!
The project aims to build an advanced monitoring car system, integrating the huge amount of sensors data from the car ECU (read by standard OBD-II interface) with smartphone sensors data (like GPS). A gateway (a Raspberry Pi with Kura OSGi framework) can collect the data, wrap them in a MQTT packet and finally send them to a remote MQTT server exploiting the 3G connection provided by the smartphone (the latter could be connected to the Raspberry Pi with bluetooth interface).
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IoNeeds basically measures fullness, light, temperature and humidity of storage boxes and jars continuously. It stores the data on cloud and when it encounters with extreme values, it applies the rules which previously configured on control panel such as sending SMS, Android/iOS notifications. Also it can be configured with e-commerce web sites’ order APIs. So it enables auto-order scenarios like “Automatically order the product from web if fullness value is under 50%”
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DIY Home Automation
A DIY “home automation” solution based on MQTT-SN, Node-RED, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and nRF24L01+ RF transceivers.
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Raspberry Pi R/C car
Program a remote controlled Raspberry Pi Robot car using Reactive Blocks.
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Keeping plants alive in an office without regular hours is hard: Either everybody thinks their colleagues have already watered the plants or multiple people water the same plant, resulting in either drought or overhydration.
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Hot Desking Dilemma
More and more companies offer their employees the possibility to work remote from home instead of working in the office. Hot desking – multiple employees share one desk over a week – is a common practice for such companies in order to reduce costs. People who know this setting also know the downsides of this model: it is just pretty hard to get a desk when you need one.
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LwM2M over MQTT
The current stack for LWM2M relies on CoAP as the protocol. Along with CoAP, MQTT is another standard which is being very widely used in M2M scenarios. Our solution involves development of an LWM2M server prototype, as well as, a client prototype, which make use of MQTT as the underlying M2M protocol. Thus LWM2M can be used for both CoAP, as well as, MQTT.
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Monitoring industrial automation
This project realizes a device that monitors a set of defined parameters (mapped to MODBUS registers on a device) and based on defined rule take action (store in internal memory, show as value or graph on local LCD or send using MQTT protocol to defined server). User is able to freely define mapping to MODBUS registers, poling interval, monitoring rules and actions).
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Smart Helmet
According to a survey, in India, 139,091 persons were killed in road accidents during the year 2012, out of which 23% constituted for Two-wheeler related incidents. The objective of the solution is to detect impact of the accident or fall occurred using the accelerometer mounted on the helmet.
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Monitoring snow and ice falling down of roofs
In Norway it is the responsibility of building owners to warn people of risk of snow and ice falling down from the roofs of buildings. It is a serious liability. Some years ago in Oslo, a pedestrian got paralyzed after a iceblock fell from a building and hit his head.
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