Benjamin Cabé

Espruino Pico on Kickstarter: only 4 days to go!

Espruino Pico

#7 – Espruino Pico Javascript on a USB stick for just £15. The first version of the Espruino was already an impressive piece of engineering, fitting a full Javascript interpreter in 256K of Flash, and 48K of RAM. The event-driven programming model is really nice, and makes power management completely transparent.

If you follow our regular IoT hangouts, you probably have seen this presentation of the Espruino Pico already:

If you don’t, you really want to check out!

Espruino is an Open Source and Open Hardware project that provides a super-tiny implementation of Javascript that runs on micro-controllers. The Espruino board is a ready-to-use board that you can use to run Javascript IoT applications, but the Espruino interpreter can also run on lots of other targets.

Gordon Williams, the lead of Espruino, is working on a new version of the Espruino board with a tiny form factor, and his Kickstarter ends in only 4 days.
While the initial goal has already been reached, I would really like to see him reach the £50,000 stretch goal since it means he will implement socket support in the Espruino interpreter, allowing IoT developers to use MQTT, CoAP, and the like right from their Javascript code!

Please consider supporting this very cool open source project and don’t wait any longer to go visit their Kickstarter page!

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