Eclipse IoT

Interview with InfoQ on the Internet of Things at Eclipse


At EclipseCon 2015, I spoke with Alex Blewitt from InfoQ, and gave an update on the cool stuff happening at Eclipse IoT. It is hard to believe that it is only two years since my last interview with Alex – so many new projects and companies involved today!

Check out the interview here.

Eclipse IoT

Devoxx France 2015 – Building the Internet of Things with Eclipse IoT

Last week I gave a presentation at Devoxx and shared the floor with my esteemed colleague Wayne Beaton. While he covered some of the very cool feature being baked into the Eclipse IDE for the upcoming Mars release, I did talk about the Eclipse IoT technology portfolio, in particular what is available for Java Developers.

Check out the slides below, and expect the video recording to be made available shortly on Parleys, too.

Devoxx 2015 – Building the Internet of Things with Eclipse IoT from Benjamin Cabé
Eclipse IoT

Manage all the things, small and big, with open source LwM2M implementations @ FOSDEM 2015

Here is the recording of my presentation on Device Management with LwM2M at FOSDEM’15.

Abstract: LwM2M is a standard for device management that solves many of the issues M2M and IoT solutions makers have faced in the past (or, let’s be realistic, are still facing), with custom protocols or even standards like OMA-DM: complex workflows, high bandwidth usage, lack of open-source implementations… Join this talk to get an overview of the LwM2M protocol, and to learn how you can start managing an embedded device with Eclipse Wakaama (yes, it fits in an Arduino, and yes, there will be a live demo!), or build your own device management server with Eclipse Leshan.