Benjamin Cabé

Zephyr Weekly Update – Hello M5Stack Core2, Picolibc, et al.

Zephyr Weekly Update - September 15, 2023

Zephyr Weekly Update - September 15, 2023

This week, I am using the recently added support for M5Stack Core2 (thank you, Martin!) as an excuse to show you some pretty cool Zephyr tricks that I’m confident many of you didn’t know about 🙂

Before jumping right in, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who tuned in to the first Zephyr Tech Talk earlier this week. It was a lot of fun, there were tons of questions, and Mike was the perfect guest for this first episode.

On Wednesday, September 27, I will be chatting with Bjarki Arge Andreasen about the newly introduced modem subsystem, and I highly encourage you to sign up already to make sure you don’t miss this!

M5Stack Core2 is now supported, and why I find it extra cool

M5Stack Core2
Did I mention the M5Stack Core2 is *packed* with on-board peripherals?

I am really excited that the support for M5Stack Core2 finally got merged this week. This is yet another great contribution from Martin Kiepfer and, similarly to the M5StickC Plus, I particularly like how this device is packed with on-board peripherals that happen to just work out-of-the-box in Zephyr.

I might record a longer demo video in the next few days, but in the meantime let me just show you three examples of why having out-of-the-box and full-blown support for the on-board peripherals is really neat:

uart:~$ regulator vget DCDC3
2.800 V
uart:~$ regulator vset DCDC3 2.5V
uart:~$ regulator vset DCDC3 3.3V
Why, yes, being able to interact with voltage regulators through shell commands is super convenient.
uart:~$ rtc get pfc8563@51
uart:~$ rtc set pfc8563@51 2022-12-22
uart:~$ rtc get pfc8563@51
uart:~$ lvgl monkey create pointer
Someone is really messing up with that touchscreen, eh? 🐵


This one is a pretty significant change! Picolibc is now the default C library for Zephyr.

Picolibc is a library offering standard C library APIs that targets small embedded systems with limited RAM.

In a nutshell, Picolibc brings even more modularity and configurability, making it easier to fine tune the footprint/performance of the C library. It’s also meant to bring you the best of both worlds between Zephyr’s minimal libc (small, but lacking too many features), and newlib (too heavy for most applications).

But frankly, I think I need to invite Keith, Picolibc’s author, to tell us more about it during an upcoming Zephyr Tech Talk (Keith, if you’re reading this… 😊).

You can of course still use CONFIG_LIBC_IMPLEMENTATION Kconfig to use another C library implementation.

Other boards & SoCs

Other boards added this week:


This week has been insane on the drivers front. Apologies if the list below is maybe not diving as deep as I typically try to into the specifics of each sensor as I usually do, but there’s just too much to cover this week. Hopefully the list below is a good and useful summary nevertheless.

TCAN4550EVM (Credit: Texas Instruments)¶
test_current: current_amp {
	status = "okay";
	compatible = "current-sense-amplifier";
	io-channels = <&my_adc_3>;
	io-channel-names = "CURRENT_AMP";
	sense-resistor-micro-ohms = <10>;
	sense-gain-mult = <1>;
	sense-gain-div = <1>;


A big thank you to the 12 individuals who had their first pull request accepted this week, 💙 🙌: @electrocnic, @chuangzhu, @tswaehn, @andy3469, @likongintel, @Albort12138, @JPHutchins, @yclistanford, @vg-sc, @VivekUppunda, @wkhadgar, and @Emplis.

As always, please feel free to jump in with your thoughts or questions in the comments below. See you next week!

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Catch up on all previous issues of the Zephyr Weekly Update:

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