Benjamin Cabé

Zephyr Weekly Update – Introducing the new modem subsystem

Zephyr Weekly Update - September 1, 2023

Zephyr Weekly Update - September 1, 2023

The Zephyr community is back to pretty much full-speed as the summer break comes to an end, and this week’s Zephyr update features a new, highly-anticipated, modem subsystem.

In other news, and before announcing this more formally next week, we are launching a new series of YouTube live streams, the Zephyr Tech Talks, starting September 13, and I hope many of you will join us!

Our first guest will be Mike Szczys, and he will be telling us all about taking the continuous integration and testing of Zephyr-based projects to the next level using actual hardware. Just click that notification bell on YouTube to make sure you don’t miss it (or you’ll be able to catch up the replay, don’t worry)!

I am looking for folks from the community to join us on the show and chat about some cool Zephyr/embedded topics so feel free to submit your ideas here to participate in future sessions!

New modem subsystem

It’s not often that nearly 10,000 of lines of code get contributed, so I really hope to do justice to this awesome contribution coming from Bjarki Arge Andreasen! Without further ado, let me introduce the new modem subsystem (PR #56692)

You may know that Zephyr already provides drivers for a handful of modems (cellular, not RTC, despite the cheesy GIF above 😊). However, current modem support has been somehow constrained by Zephyr’s device driver model, as it lacks the flexibility that would allow to accommodate the wide-ranging features of modern modems.

The newly introduced modem subsystem implements concepts coming from the Linux world such as chat and pppd, and a CMUX module to make the whole stack more modular (indicating whether you talk to the modem over UART or, say, IPC should be as simple as changing KConfig, right?), easier to test, and overall more efficient.

			      MODEM_CHAT_SCRIPT_CMD_RESP_MULT("AT+CGACT=0,1", allow_match),
			      MODEM_CHAT_SCRIPT_CMD_RESP("AT+CFUN=1", ok_match),
			      MODEM_CHAT_SCRIPT_CMD_RESP_NONE("ATD*99***1#", 0),);

And if you’re only interested in all of this as an end-user, and not someone who might potentially need to write their own modem driver in the near future, then you’ll probably still be interested in hearing that this new architecture consumes about 30% less RAM (~12KB) than before 🙂

I highly encourage you to try out the newly added Cellular Modem code sample, which shows everything in action, and how well it integrates with existing Zephyr concepts:

Boards & SoCs




Last week I mentioned the line-up of nice improvements currently being made or about to be made to LVGL support in Zephyr.

A nice addition this week are the new zephyr,input-button-lvgl and zephyr,input-pointer-lvgl bindings. What they mean for you is that you can now declare in your Devicetree that a given input device should also act as an LVGL input device. The most straightforward application would be to convert a touch event on a touchscreen into a proper LVGL input event, but this can also be useful to map input keys to “virtual” touch events.

  Example configuration:

  pointer {
          compatible = "zephyr,lvgl-button-input";
          input = <&buttons>;
          input-codes = <INPUT_KEY_0 INPUT_KEY_1>;
          coordinates = <120 220>, <150 250>;

  When the device receives an input_event with code INPUT_KEY_0
  a click event will be performed at (120,220).

In practice, the underlying driver the underlying driver takes care of capturing the input events (ex. a touch screen), and exposes the Zephyr input device as a standard LVGL input device. (PR #60867)


demo_tag [00:00:01.165,204] <err> [log_demo_thread_id] main: Error message example.
demo_tag [00:00:01.165,230] <wrn> [log_demo_thread_id] main: Warning message example.
demo_tag [00:00:01.165,258] <inf> [log_demo_thread_id] main: Info message example.

A big thank you to the 11 individuals who had their first pull request accepted this week 💙 🙌: @ickochar, @rahul-arasikere, @mdwt-ot, @robertkowalewski, @TomFinet, @tbitcs, @n1zzo, @rghaddab, @Durchbruchswagen, @almir-okato, and @mariopaja.

As always please feel free to jump in with your thoughts or questions in the comments below. See you next week!

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Catch up on all previous issues of the Zephyr Weekly Update:

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